Using pachctl secrets to set up a image pull secret
kubectl create secret docker-registry myregistrykey --docker-server=DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER --docker-username=DOCKER_USER --docker-password=D…
**What is the goal / desired outcome?**
Pachyderm users without k8s access have trouble figuring out why a pipeline won't get out of "starting", particularly for errors like out-of-bounds resource …
In Pachyderm 1.13
`pachctl` hangs on `pachctl list job` in the Iris example
When running `pachctl debug dump`, it errors with:
`Unknown service debug.Debug`
**What is the goal / desired outcome?**
Allow pipelines to use resources in a more flexible way than the default k8s scheduler allows.
**If there is a way to accomplish this today via workaround, wh…
**What is the goal / desired outcome?**
currently the etcd deployment pachyderm creates is not exporting any metrics to prometheus.
**If there is a way to accomplish this today via workaround, what d…
**What is the ask?**
I need a way to connect pachctl from within kubernetes.
**What is the goal / desired outcome?**
Scheduling pachctl close to the pachd node they're talking to.
**What is the goal / desired outcome?**
Per: [http://docs.pachyderm.io/en/latest/reference/pipeline_spec.html#environment-variables](url) pachyderm will set several environment variables for each job.…
**What happened?**:
I tried to copy a file in a mounted directory by invoking
cp liberty.png liberty2.png
but got an error
cp: skipping file 'liberty.png', as it was replaced while being …
**What is the goal / desired outcome?**
Pachctl should "just know" how to connect to the most contextual pachd.
Currently, pachctl fails to do this when deployed in a kubernetes container.
I've seen two cases in recent history where `port-forward` has lead people astray. I feel like the feature exists to let people experiment with Pachyderm in a minikube-like environment, but from rece…