Program: `docker`
Argument: `run --rm -i -v $ProjectFileDir$:/app -u 1000 -w /app prooph/php:7.1-cli php vendor/prolic/fpp/bin/fpp.php $FileDirRelativeToProjectRoot$/$FileName$`
Note: docker run a…
The PHP_CodeSniffer has a configuration file where it stores some project made configurations, e.g. the installed coding standard paths. Tools like `dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer` det…
Do you think it's a bad idea?
Using the latest projection configurations and commands, when a `ReadModel` is set on a projection and either `event-store:projection:delete` or `event-store:projection:reset` is called the `delete` a…
Does this library support Microsoft SQL Server instances?
When I have a float value in an event without decimals (for example `1.0`) it is saved to the EventStore as simply `1`. Because of this when the event is later retrieved from the EventStore and deseri…
A user-interface for inspection of the event-store would be a great new feature. This can be done in a separate package. An event-store HTTP API would be needed, see: https://github.com/prooph/event-s…
> - one table per aggregate: you can just select the entire table, have all events to that aggregate without any where. unique constraints mostly fullfilled by table itself already
> - one table per…
When running the test suite of [event-store-client](https://github.com/prooph/event-store-client/)
I'm always getting this segfault, but not always on the same test case and if the test case is tes…
If you have something like this `/** @var UserCredentials|null */` it happens that rector does not prepend the `?` to the property typehint. Most of the time it works, but sometimes it doesn't. I coul…