How do you Play a video on EV3 Screen?
**Background Information**
I have been trying to play a video on the ev3 screen but am struggling to do it. I tried installing OMXplayer bu…
### Description
I would like a new [WebDriver Task](https://github.com/q2ebanking/boa-constrictor/tree/main/Boa.Constrictor/WebDriver/Tasks) for holding a key (or keys) and clicking. With `Key` in th…
Tap.on(TargetOption.element(theActorInTheSpotlight(), ChatScreen.COLLAPSE_BUTTON)
.adjustByMultiplyBaseSize(0.9f, -0.9f)
Thank you for authoring this format. Has any work been done yet on converting any other format to ScreenJSON or from ScreenJSON, including plain text?
I constantly find myself trying to insert a tab to indent some text, may be I should enable tabs, but not sure how and if it would fit the style of the page.
Some textbooks like to have a dialogue between teacher and student, much like a script or screenplay, with named participants. An example is here: https://gttp.info/q08e9fb0n.html which is a draft an…
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.rules.TestWatcher;
import org.junit.runner.Description;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
Initial mockup
vetom updated
7 years ago
Right now, we can't rename documents. And the name of text documents are automatically taken from first line of the document.
We should be able to rename documents, and documents should have an ind…