**URL**: https://www.miniclip.com/games/8-ball-pool-multiplayer/en/
**Browser / Version**: Firefox 68.0
**Operating System**: Windows 10
**Tested Another Browser**: Yes
**Problem type**: Site is…
I have a file server, that goes kernel panic once a week, during zfs scrub.
HW specifics is not very important, so, just the most important:
Intel Xeon E3-1220 v3 @ 3.10GHz (4 cores)
16 gb DDR-…
Hello, I was trying your image and I have some issues with it.
following the guide from BPI of installing WiringPi & python GPIO and it doesnt run on the board.
the error I get that the applicatio…
Hello Again,
1) Regarding the selection of the Output Port
a) Thanks for giving the possibility to control the output port at the time the compatible HPSDR transceiver is started, that is quite…
小米平板2 MIUI9 8.3.15 运行' SSR3.4.0.5 或者SSRR 3.5.4 已连接 平板就马上关机
SSR 使用两年多没有出现过这种情况
SSRR 之前也有用过 没有出现前面情况
不知道什么原因会出现这种一点连接马上就关机 俺已经试过好多次是这样的
$ ./gn-read-oc-interfaces-20-ydk.py http://admin:admin@ -v
2019-01-15 23:46:16,457 - ydk - DEBUG - Capabilities Received:
2019-01-15 23:46:16,457 - ydk - DEBUG -
I found what appears to be a problem with Gqrx and rtl_tcp, using the precompiled Gqrx 2.5.3-2 binaries for Mac OS X. For test purposes, I ran both Gqrx and rtl_tcp on the same machine to eliminate n…
$ ./gn-read-oc-network-instance-20-ydk.py ssh://admin:admin@ -v
2019-01-16 17:40:14,584 - ydk - DEBUG - Capabilities Received:
2019-01-16 17:40:14,585 - ydk - DEBUG - …
Ola a todos, gerei o firmware para o Roteador Wireless Dual Band AC1200
Archer C50 seguindo o processo do https://github.com/simetnicbr/simetbox-openwrt-feed/blob/master/README.md.
Depois de instal…
# grgsm_scanner
Aborted (core dumped)
What is the problem&