### System OS
### Python Version
3.11 (CPython)
### Install Source
pip / PyPi
### Install version / commit hash
### Expected Behavior vs Actual Behavior
When downloading a larger…
Exception in thread Thread-1: …
Running on Raspi3 and LE 11.01 (Kodi 20) I got the issue that the python module "six" was not found. Assumingly, the module is not included with the shipped Python3.
I was able to solve the problem …
I'm doing the following:
1. Getting my userId with getMe()
2. Getting my playlists with getUserPlaylists(userId)
3. For each playlist I'm running getPlaylistTracks(userId, plId) where plId is the…
I have followed all steps and authorized spotify, but then when I execute `spotifyTest.py`, i get this:
`HTTP Error for PUT to https://api.spotify.com/v1/me/player with Params: {} returned 404 due …
C:\Users\valec\Downloads\Spotify-Recorder-master>spotify-recorder.py --user lukas.valecek@email.cz https://open.spotify.com/track/2yPoXCs7BSIUrucMdK5PzV?si=9baa57fd39334a27
Spotify Recorder - version…
Many cool projects already working on that: https://github.com/topics/spotify-playlist
The backend for Pafy, Youtube-dl, has the ability to download from wide variety of websites, e.g. soundcloud, youtube etc.
Pafy only works for retrieving metadata from youtube, which is a bummer beca…
# Bug Ticket
## Describe the bug
The Spotify "Your Episodes" collection is associated with a user:[ID]:collection URI, similar to the URIs used with the "Liked Songs" collection. For example: `s…
workshop folder -> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VHaJlBr754xdTdF-NfsNpYBAoFUcs5pt
workshop recording -> https://www.crowdcast.io/e/machine-learning-for-2/1