Just to let you know that npm report this :
npm ERR! Failed to parse package.json data.
npm ERR! package.json must be actual JSON, not just JavaScript.
npm ERR!
npm ERR! This is not a bug in npm…
String parse speed is narrow place in svg2ttf. Try to replace global regex with more "classic" parser.
Any idea what might be causing this?
throw error;
I upgraded to the latest version of grunt-webfont and my icon fonts stopped working in Firefox. The web inspector gives the following message:
downloadable font: head: Bad ppm of 14...
I'm n…
vitch updated
10 years ago
On my machine with lots of softwares (sketch, firefox as frontend dev, VMs, etc), I don't have enough ram for gulp and its start is in this case really slow.
Once it was started, all is ok, the compi…
I have converted some svg into font, but for some reason the font icons are very tiny. I have checked it is not the css issue. I am attaching a screenshot
![screen shot 2014-02-20 at 4 29 52 pm](http…
I have a SVG I'm trying to import, the import happens without error but it's missing pieces of the image. I'm using the drop and drop on fontello.com.
Here is the SVG
I have a relatively simple .svg file that is not converted correctly. The icon is from IcoMoon, although that may not be relevant.
When I open the svg in inkscape, the image is a perfect circle with …
MoOx updated
10 years ago
Toujours dans l'esprit de l'expérimentation, je me disais que ça pourrait être pas mal de réimplémenter notre workflow Grunt avec Gulp histoire de faire des tests de performance.
Là, je suis en plein…