Hi, I am a beginner who has just started using MATSim. While conducting a simple verification, I encountered unexpected agent behavior during the simulation. I set up a simple network with three train…
I was testing mxnet framework and run Coach with the command:
coach -p CartPole_PPO -s 1 --framework mxnet
I got the error below, which seems to occur only with mxnet, not with tensorflow …
It seems that the `device_config` parameters in the yaml files are not used anywhere.
How can I train on GPU?
If I try to set the GPU device in the JAX way as an env parameter with:
python3 -m examples.multiagent_chainer_test_DQN --turn_based --rollouts 10 --mission mob_chase.xml
Stub out registration as newer version of gym
I am trying to train agents using different openAI baselines, for use in Unity. I got your original environments working, but I wanted to use the most up to date open AI baselines and ml-agents v0.8, …
Hi, after I ran
python experiments.py evaluate configs/IntersectionEnv/env.json \
configs/IntersectionEnv/agents/DQNAgent/baseline.json \
After --train --episodes=4000 --name-from-config,
I am trying to train a Reinforcement Learning agent using TF-Agent [TF-Agent DQN Tutorial](https://www.tensorflow.org/agents/tutorials/1_dqn_tutorial). In my application, I have 9 discrete actions (la…
Apologies in advance if the following are naive. New to MATSim and trying to figure out whether it is usable for my problem. I have some questions about simulating public transport. I have read…
I'm trying to setup a DQN agent with a graph attention layer. The agent can take one of 3 actions. For some reason, when I run the training function, I see the following error:
I'm planning on a q learning algorithm with 2 agents which would be the optimal strategy for agario. How long did it take to train the model?