This is a feature request, with the ability to change limits from the ini pins with hal, the axis limits can be changed while jogging, right now you need to stop the jog and move again to plan the jog…
I use the QuadriFlow(https://github.com/hjwdzh/QuadriFlow?tab=readme-ov-file#quadriflow-a-scalable-and-robust-method-for-quadrangulation) to transfer a triangle mesh to tetrahedron with quad_idx.
I'm struggling a bit with the concept of data at *node* locations, and hope that someone might be able to help me ... As usual, I'm coming at this from a CF data model perspective, trying to…
https://github.com/bokeh/datashader/pull/525 adds rendering for triangle meshes, as long as data is provided in a specific format. Other formats worth discussing include:
## Row per triangle (curr…
Hi, is there any possiblity to combine matlab2tikz with ternplot, such that it is exporting to pgfplot-files using ternaryaxis instead of axis?
Best Regards
The branch "spreadsheet" is some initial code for spreadsheet support.
Currently should read GDML Variables into spreadsheet.
- Update ImportGDML to handle Spreadsheet variables fo…
We often want to display fields of arrows to represent winds or ocean currents at each observed or model grid location. For example, this is a snapshot in time of predicted tidal currents from a tri…
After learning how to use/using JuAFEM for about 2 weeks, I must say that it is a great tool, very understandable and hackable design, and it seems general enough to be expanded upon greatly!
I've …
# Problem
I use `poly` to plot some meshes. Some elements are `TriangleFace` some are `QuadFace`.
Sometimes, I have empty meshes, in terms of faces. There are some points, but they are not connecte…
The file [crashing.scad](https://gist.github.com/maradatscha/0162ee58738ce9dfebe2) crashes OpenSCAD version 2014.05.17 when rendering (F6).
The [CrashLog](https://gist.github.com/maradatscha/560ee22d6…