## 🚀 Feature
I would like to contribute to the pytorch (in python and c++) by adding the [ contrastive loss/siamese_margin_loss](http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/publis/pdf/hadsell-chopra-lecun-06.pdf) f…
hello i utilize your useful program for face recognition,my implemented network is inception resnet v2 and
1. batch_size=16,
8th plase: DeepLabV3 with different encoders.
Group Normalization for small batch
Mask threshold (due to bad metric)
Weighted BCE loss for classification-segmentation models.
Ensemble of 3 top we…
I try to write a triplet loss in DARKNET。
Hi ,
Background -
I am trying to finetune the BGE-Large model - 'BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5' on custom domain specific dataset.
I am using data in format - triplets - (anchor, postive sample, negat…
I want to implement triplet loss of FACENET in DARKNET for face comparison. How can I do that?
I always get an ResourceExhaustedError: OOM error whenever using this code. I'm unable to use any batch size greater than 256. Can you point out which parts are the most memory intensive?
Thank you for your awesome work in the sentence embedding space !
I would like your help on couple of questions:
- Please point out the models which are fine-tuned using contrastive learning loss a…
#### Ajustar os seguintes parâmetros
- Regularização (L1, L2, Dropout, Clipping);
- Early Stopping;
- Taxa de aprendizagem (lr);
- Funções de ativação (testar a softsign no lugar da tanh);
- Ot…
Hi everyone,
When training using triplet loss i found this very confusing:
for i in range(nrof_batches):
batch_size = min(nrof_examples-i*args.batch_size, args.batch_size)