Xcode is unresponsive on launch, trying to open working project / new project cause Xcode to crash.
Using Xcode 13.4.1 (Latest at time of post) and script from README.md in this repo.
Attaching …
It has been noticed that while using athul/waka-readme@master your WAKATIME_API_KEY 80c337d3-a4df-4e70-a117-e6b8f62c8dc3 is present in plaintext. Please ensure that secrets are encrypted or not passed…
Type: Bug
In the latest release syntax highlighting in html files with included JavaScript is so far off it's unusable.
I have a comment (which should be green)
// not sure yet
Syntax hi…
Thank you for developing this nice plugin. Since about a month before, my vscode-wakatime frequently lose contact with the website. This week my plugin does not work anymore. I check the log file and …
Some of my activity on project ignores name in .wakatime-project and is displays in dashboard as solution name
I have
SHOW_OS: "False"
But still a empty …
I want to show that my development on wsl is different than my actual linux machine.
In my **[idea.log](https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241085-Locating-IDE-log-files)** :
WakaTime version : **3.1.14**
IntelliJ version : **2021.3.3**
I have used vim-wakatime for several monthes. However today I found my code activities can not sync to dashboard. When I run wakatime binary file in my shell, the following python ImportError occurs:
- [x] I notice that in many places app now called "gauzy-desktop" (when run setup for example), instead of "Gauzy Desktop" etc. i.e. probably we changed in too many places! Now file names are correct,…