A 2023-12-02 copy of NCBI Virus Coronaviridae reveals a skew towards Coronaviridae with human hosts over period 2021/2023.
$ cat acc76be2ecc60be77f604ce09024165aff857da0543251a062397c71343adb…
Inspired by a recent conversation about formatting associatedTaxa values (e.g., "Visiting [some name]" --> "Visiting: [same name]"), I ran the following command on 2020-11-05 to create an exhaustive l…
**Feature request rationale**
Some countries have well-documented tolerance levels for speed limit enforcement. For example, in Russia it is 20 km/h, so most of the drivers would be going 100 km/h on…
I'm trying to use pyprocar to plot the spin texture from a VASP calculation, but I'm finding conflicting documentation online. Here's how I'm calling the fermi2d function:
We are contacting you about an upcoming change to the Docker version 20.10 used in Amazon Linux 2 (AL2). This version of Docker reached its end-of-life in December 2023, and will not receive…
While trying to create new sdb domain, I'm receiving error message from AWS about invalid signature. I'm sure my access key is correct, because this is last operation in the sequence of several others…
![Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 2 10 42 PM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20860716/105355443-751d4d80-5bf2-11eb-92b6-1e9fd00e66f4.png)
![Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 2 11 43 PM](https://user-i…
Dear all,
I meet a problem when I use pip install pyprocar and after use it . Anyone can help me ?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/fs2/home/software/miniconda3/bin/procar.py", line …