**What happened**:
The meteorological spin-up is not working in CEMAC WRFotron (`meteo_out/rsl.error.0000`) due to the `wrfmeteo.exe` executable looking for anthropogenic emissions (`auxinput5`).
WRF master branch build fails due to two issues which are a result of changes in GCC-10
**As Mismatches between actual and dummy argument lists in a single file are now rejected with an error, gfor…
**What happened**:
My run with an altered `wrfbiochemi_domain_{projectTag}` file is not working. The run stopped during `pre.bash`: the message at the end of pre.bash.e was
`rm: cannot remove …
I've been trying to do a test run of WRF-Chem, but I can't get pp_concat_regrid.bash to concatenate the hourly output files. My test run is a single day - 2016 10 12 00 24 06 using an automatic …
**What happened**:
WRFChem fails when running when heterogeneous uptake of N2O5 onto aerosol particles is turned on (`n2o5_hetchem = 1`) for MOZART-MOSAIC with aqueous chemistry (`chem_opt = 202`).
I am trying to compile kpp but getting many warnings creating an error related to compiling a c function
compile kpp
/Users/sarr/work/Build_WRF/LIBS/ycc/bin/yacc -d scan.y
gcc -O -c y.tab.c
So, if I want to make a run go faster, can I increase the memory per core for main.bash (e.g. from 4G to 6G)? Would doing that make everyone else's runs slower?!
What happened: When running WRFChem 4.2, no output was generated. I checked pre.bash.e* and it showed the following error:
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/nobackup/WRFChem/anaconda…
Sometimes, WRF-Chem hangs at the init stage.
Here's the part of `rsl.error.0000` for specific case (2020-09-01):
d02 2020-08-31_22:00:00 no gocart so2-so4 conversion
d02 2020-08-31_22:00:00 …
I run gis4wrf successfully and got the output data. I want to apply the post-proceesing ARWpost to convert the output dataset to ready data display by GrADs. But when I try to run ARWpost with the gis…