Program immediately closes without opening directly after start, no error messages or something just the tray in task info shows up for a few seconds
- Study following slide (4 hours 30 minutes)
+ Monte Carlo Integration ([link](https://osf.io/9ykqu))
+ Intro to Descriptive Statistics ([link](https://osf.io/zqkv9))
+ Intro to Python pandas…
- [ ] 第6關最後對話右下角多了一個箭頭
- [x] 空姐/空少對話少了箭頭
- [x] 違禁品說明需要標處在「海關」
- [x] 可疑的糖果對話頁右下角少了一個箭頭
test issue 10
表格布局 == th(=span+a)+tr(=td+td(=span+a)+..)
### Day 10:
Contribute a solution for this day's LeetCode problem.
#### Rules:
- Comment on this issue if you're willing to contribute.
- Each user can contribute a maximum of **1 solution** in **J…