#### Describe the bug
Sample size optimization in statsmodels 0.13.5 ends up in RunTimeWarning as nobs and nobs1 become negative values under square root. The optimization algorithm should not allo…
# 쏘카 PM의 차량 예약 퍼널 단계 개선기(feat. AB TEST) - SOCAR Tech Blog
AB TEST 기반 신규 UX 개선 프로세스
在一篇公众号文章中,p 标签下的 image 可正常解析,figure 标签下的 image 不能正常解析。
2016/09/30 16:04:24 [error] 17653#0: *66 lua entry thread aborted: runtime error: /usr/local/openresty/nginx/../admin/ab_action.lua:1: module 'abtesting.adapter.policy' not found:
no field pac…
jmpcn updated
7 years ago
I must be missing something. Using the code example in the readme on a small snippet of C++ code doesn't print anything, and trying on a larger code sample only prints a very small subset of the nodes…
[root@localhost logs]# cat admin.log
2017/12/07 16:53:12 [error] 8391#0: *1 [lua] log.lua:28: errlog(): ab_div host [ab_admin] code : 40201, desc : lua runtime error ../lib/abtesting/adapter/policy.…
咨询一下如何扩展分流策略,比如我现在要按照参数年龄age分流,我按照以前有同事提供的,在init.luaabtesting\utils 的init.lua中_M.divtypes添加 ["arg_age"] = 'ageParser',然后启动,我添加策略时报错,如下所示:
[root@data2-node utils]# curl…
We also have a ticket open with Adobe for this issue #E-000984379
### Expected Behaviour
Adobe Target data to return in propositions?
### Actual Behaviour
No target data being returned
dsws updated
5 months ago
generate_abtest_appoint方法中使用lrucache缓存设置了之后,在当前方法体能得到set的缓存,但是,在get_upstream_appoint方法 为何 get不要呢
c:set('abtest:upstream:appoint:' .. upstream_id, cjson.decode(upstream_appoint))