学会 : ACL2021
I read your code and try to reproduce the results you reported in the paper. Here are changes I made.
in `main.py`:
in last 3 lines, I change `parse_token` to `parse_line` to run SpanF1 evaluation…
sorry, i don't know your contribution
just reformulating the tasks? and proving GPT-2 is powerful???
> Can I piggyback on this and request that this YAML file include an "official" short name for every event? For example, P18 would be "ACL 2018", but P08 would be "ACL-08: HLT".
_Originally posted …
In about a week I will retire from work, so from then on I could look more closely into these issues. But I think we are already on the right track!
A question: should we do all our communication v…