As a software developer of a web application for arable farmers, '
We would like Soilwise to produce and provide a composite map derived from relevant national collections, addressing the challenge…
Hi @jmccrae, @jonnydubowsky
I'm the software engeneer of [Agroportal](http://agroportal.lirmm.fr/) a [Bioportal](https://bioportal.bioontology.org/) version for agronomy. And we have 147 dataset t…
Currently if leaf test results are missing the values of Agronomic Requirements and Crop Removal are equal to zero. The program should still calculate them based on the default leaf test result values…
### Please describe the issue in as much detail as possible
Sites like Alibaba and Amazon provide bulk broker services, where they list product catalogues openly. These product catalogues are also so…
In case of bibtex entries with italicized codes specified using `\emph{}`, `rbibuitils` is converting backslash in `\emph` to `\backslash`, resulting in `\backslashemph` leading to a `unknown macro '…
We are trying to incorporate PO terms for rice development stage in our single-cell studies. Especially the inflorescence meristem development stages are critical for the agronomical traits in …
Currently, each factor must have at least two modalities. IE: Factor watering, modalities rainfed watered.
For some agronomic studies, there could be only a single modality per factor. IE study1 fact…
## Submitter
| | |
| ----------- | -------------------------- |
| **Name** | Simon Peter |
| **Program** | NRCRI |
## Creation Request
| …
## Submitter
| | |
| ----------- | -------------------------- |
| **Name** | Peter Hyde |
| **Program** | cornell university |
| **Email** | pth7@cornel…
Having worked in the other group doing the Syngenta competition, it’s certainly interesting to see how your group approached the problem in different ways than mine did. This is a very well organized …