Repo for this task: https://github.com/ciesin-geospatial/TOPSTSCHOOL-air-quality
Github io page: https://ciesin-geospatial.github.io/TOPSTSCHOOL-air-quality/
Create a new doc of deliverables for th…
## Summary
### Acceptance Criteria:
- [ ] GMAO: sign project plan
- [ ] PM2.5: sign project plan
# Dependencies
# Risks
# Future PI
Pandora sensors: potentially al…
Thanks a lot for this project! It works great from my O.ERRE Ghost APP ventilator just by setting the host to `https://www.app-oerre.it:4521`
I'm implementing a Prometheus exporter and I'm surprise…
Hi, just installed the plugin, my main interest is to access Amazon Air Quality sensor data but I always get "Service communication error" and "InvalidResponse(State not available)", can someone help?…
**What kind of device or service would you like to see an adapter for?**
Add name and company of the device, including links to the device and any additional information[...]
--> Calculation of air …
Would it be possible to have air quality as one of the sensors as well? It seems to be in the API as aqOutdoorValue for outside, and aqIndoorValue for indoor (although my indoor one seems to be readi…
Hello, I want to activate an output depending on the air quality.
Please give me information how to insert it in code!?
* Awair Element
* ?
what about adding the overall air quality index to current weather data?
If a user then wants more details the separate API could be called.
# Challenge 16 - Air quality dashboard
> **Stream 1 - Data Visualization and visual narratives for Earth Sciences applications**
### Goal
Develop an online dashboard for displaying and monitori…