Algebraic effect handlers are about to land in OCaml. There are a number of other languages that implement them, including at least one that compiles to Javascript (called Koka — that it’s implementab…
Forster, Kammar, Lindley and Pretnar compare the expressiveness of effects with different formulations in https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.09161, by defining rules for translating between each other. They n…
### Summary of issue:
This is a language feature request. What are the opinions of the leads about having a general control flow mechanism that is extensible by users? Delimited continuations is on…
In some cases, a parent component wants to be able to wrap intents that bubble up from child elements. For simple cases, bubbling works just fine. However, there are a few cases where bubbling doesn't…
Koka is an excellent language that supports algebraic-effects. Great Job!
Recently, I wrote [a simple canvas demo](https://codesandbox.io/s/algebraic-effects-rendering-koka-f8b6g?file=/core.…
At the moment Pikelet doe not do anything useful. In order to be more useful, we probably need some form of way to perform effects.
Initially we could use an `Io : Type -> Type` wrapper type for th…
#### Feature
We currently have simplification rules in `opts/algebraic.isle` to rewrite `x/1` to `x`, and in `opts/cprop.isle` to constant-fold division when both operands are constant. But these r…
Hi Leo,
I was wondering if this repo contains the latest work on typed algebraic effects for OCaml, and how a newcomer might help out with work that still needs to be done?
Thank you!
Optional part 3 for abilities tutorial. Abilities for Monads users. Builds on the motivation for abilities in part 1 but with an eye towards users who are experienced with monadic effect management.
It should have this signature
module type S = sig
type error
val throw : error -> 'a
val catch : (unit -> 'a) -> ('a, error) result