en faisant des tests de signature en sortie de wallet je me suis aperçu que les signatures du wallet Talao en tz2 etaient fausse, j ai reverifié les cles sur le code dart de mon PC elles sont bonnes…
_Submitted by:_ **abolka**
On OSX, BROWSE fails to bring up a browser.
``` rebol
(Originally reported by Marc Simpson on AltME.)
**CC - Data** [ Version: r3 master Type: Bug Platform: Mac OSX C…
_Submitted by:_ _henrikmk_
bc.. >> a: what-dir
> > a
> > == %/C/Programmer/altme/worlds/r3-alpha/files/Examples/
> > type? a
> > == file!
> > change-dir a
> > *\* Script error: change-dir does not …
_Submitted by:_ **meijeru**
I gleaned this from the ALTME group, where it was said that the bug is already in Curecode, but I could not find it, so I added it. See also #1336.
``` rebol
>> b: charse…
see https://github.com/TalaoDAO/AltMe/issues/3021
mettre le contenu de
_Submitted by:_ **ssolie**
I found my RDC_QUIT vector is not being called at all when developing my Dev_Event host device. Dev_Event is used when implementing the GUI.
I mentioned this is the Host K…
### Bug Report
- [X] I'm using the latest version of the SDK.
- [X] I've seen [the docs](https://docs.walletbeacon.io) and [the demo code](https://github.com/airgap-it/beacon-android-sdk/tree…