Please let me know if it supports HLS?
andorid ijkplayer播放本地http代理的m3u8格式的视频,加载慢,又卡,这是怎么回事?换成google 的exoplayer却没问题,ijkplayer怎么解决此问题啊。
I'm trying to use this video view to play my own video but having no success i have tried this code
private void initVideoViews() {
tv = findViewById(R.id.tv);
img_vol = fin…
use AndroidVideoCache to cache music can't play while buffering, only when finished the buffer can play music, why?
HttpProxyCacheServer proxy = MainApplication.getProxy(mContext);
I am leaving my issue here as told in Logcat. Please tell me the valid solution as I have already tried to add android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" , and android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_…
HttpProxyCacheServer error
com.danikula.videocache.ProxyCacheException: Error processing request. Version: 2.7.0
已经 实现边播放音频边缓存,但是也是要在设置datasource之前配置option才能实现,但是我想在播放中实现保存缓存文件相当于下载文件怎么实现,或者我可以单独用网络请求工具下载好资源文件,然后怎么让ijkplayer下次播放同一首音乐时能从本地播放资源而不用再次请求网络资源?自己实现查找指定目录下资源文件来判断是否缓存太麻烦了吧