Everyone should have VPN access now.
IT recommends that you access the VPN using Cisco AnyConnect following [these instructions](https://github.com/mikeizbicki/cmc-csci143/files/13967086/CMC-ITS.VP…
I'm trying to connect to an AnyConnect VPN while using OpenConnect. Unfortunately, this particular VPN uses SAML, provided by Azure AD.
Are there any options available for doing this with an AnyCo…
$ openssl smime -verify -in FW_\ anyconnect\ -\ ProtonMail.eml
Error reading S/MIME message
139644724533056:error:0D0D40CD:asn1 encoding routines:SMIME_read_ASN1:invalid mime type:.…
# Feature request
## Description
The current split tunneling allows for individual applications to be split, but doesn't have the ability to list either IP or hostnames that should be excluded f…
Cisco AnyConnect Socket Filter not uninstalled where you have the anyconnect uninstall need a silent uninstall.
> 请按**详情**处模板如实填写:包括但不限于机场近期不可用的情况起止时间,1周内的不可用天数,是否仍能联系机场管理员/客服,提交的工单(问题)是否有正常被处理解决。
## 详情说明
7schi updated
9 hours ago
>> notice: Checking for product updates...
Downloading AnyConnect Posture 4.8.03052. Please wait...
Time Left: 41 secs (520.3 KB of 15.64 MB copied)
Transfer rate: 371 KB/Sec
Is there a chanc…
Hi guys
First thing first, I wanna about the great script. I have a question that is perfectly connected on OpenConnect, but it's not working in the AnyConnect app and says in log timeout. Does anyb…
Hi Garrett,
nice patch and good job, would be nice to work cause with confinement it's hard to use my docker containers.
My company uses 3.1 version anyconnect and i tried your patch
As of dlenski/openconnect@40802e459873e55eefbe64f05b9475821f761b8e (not yet in an official openconnect release) there is a new API to get the list of supported protocols, along with their descriptions…