在搭建Storm集群前,先看下下面的拓扑图,在1.1.0版本中,支持 Nimbus的HA模式,Nimbus、Supervisor,需要使用Zookeeper作为协同。
### 一、相关依赖
- Zookeeper(可以使用 3.4.10 版本)
- JDK7+
- Python 2.6.6+
Hi... I'm getting the following error when trying to submit the topology to the nimbus server hosted in Docker environment :
bash-4.3# storm jar /data/topology.jar com.kaviddiss.storm.Topology
ghost updated
6 years ago
I have a cluster of three nodes of hadoop , kafka and zookeeper and storm.. I used the versions as you recommend ... I even test with higher version of kafka and zookeeper..
I am trying to …
Apache Storm is written as Apache Strom
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Ex…
I am learning about Apache Storm and the guide had long and winding instructions on how to install Apache Storm. I i…
I'm having this error during the execution of fab vagrant quickstart in kafka spout:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper.(Ljava/lang/String;ILorg/apache/zookeeper/Watcher;Z)V …
Extend the capabilities of dmon-agent so that it can locate (if necessary) and then forward storm worker logs to dmon.
Implement method
`GET` -> `/v1/node/stwork`
Return the log of current stor…
[0.9.3 just released](http://storm.apache.org/2014/11/25/storm093-released.html)
I am using Apache Hadoop-2.2.0 with storm-yarn from wget https://github.com/yahoo/storm-yarn/archive/master.zip.
When running the storm-yarn using mvn package the tests are failing with below error: