WebDriver was unable to create a new instance of type class org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver
Chrome - Version 116.0.5845.97
"It was working in chrome v115" After 116 chrome upgra…
I am getting the the above exception may i know what might be the reason tho…
**Describe GraalVM and your environment :**
- GraalVM version or commit id if built from source: **20.1.0-dev-20200225_0946**
- CE or EE: **CE**
- Build Time or run time failure: **build time**
It makes sense to remove jars from the repository so it is simpler to use.
Top `jar` consumers are:
0b100e14b830 1203860 lib/xercesImpl-2.7.1.jar
d107c0f3b0cd 1501575 lib/guava-10.0.1.jar
Selenium Version: 2.53.0
Browser: All browsers
## Expected Behavior - Not getting unreachable browser exception and the suite should run smoothly.
## Actual Behavior - getting unreach…
I had succesfully installed the office extension back to the 4.1.0 but when I have upgraded to the 4.1.1 I found out that the plugin was missing.
So I tryied to reinstall but I always get th…
I've cloned `master` and installed the NPM packages. When I run `make test` I get the following failure:
4705 passing (1m)
5 pending
1 failing
1) corner cases CFB:
Error: EN…
>Log Session: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 6:28:18 PM PYT
>System Info:
Product Version = NetBeans IDE 8.2 (Bui…
I was trying to fix issue #6 on a Windows box however even though I can use 'make' on my system it is failing when running make init with following error.
``` js
D:\Modules\js-harb>make init