I use ESP32 DOIT V1 dev board and HopeRF RFM96 radio module. I add required library, edit platformio.ini file and could compile the sketch successfully. When upload code into dev board, device reboot…
As far as I can tell, WiFi, BLE and Ethernet only work when activated from the M7 core. Can someone clarify if any of these 3 can be run from the PortentaH7 M4 core, (using RPC if Serial print is need…
Complete the schema as copied from: https://diyodemag.com/projects/arduino_lorawan_enabled_water_tank_level_monitoring_part_1.
The schema provided has custom components that are not available so we…
I need to implement a LoRaWAN device that sends a message every 10 minutes. To limit the power consumption I need to put the device to sleep between sending the messages.
If I use ABP, the problem ca…
I connect to heltec wifi lora 32 v2 use this project's example code.
I use example on Examples/MICC LoRaWAN LMIC library/ttn-otaa and I wrote pinmap like this
``` c
// Pin mapping
When compiling using espressif 32 version higher than 3.5.0 I get these errors at link stage:
Linking .pio\build\heltec_wireless_stick_lite\firmware.elf
/Users/pprem/Documents/Arduino/libraries/ESP32_LoRaWAN-master/examples/OTAA/OTAA.ino: In function 'void loop()':
OTAA:64:28: error: no matching function for call to 'LoRaClass::DeviceStateInit()'
The debug output format for RPS information does not match other debug messages:
10:42:46.290 -> [ 47074][D][BresserWeatherSensorTTN.ino:820] NetTxComplete():
10:42:46.290 -> 41359 ms:[ 47090]…
I am using a modified LoRa send code on an AB02S module, and when the following lines are used (required for our code), I lose all ability to control the pixel beyond the color green.
I was looking at the LoRaWAN example:
...and it's strange how the class variable…
ZaneL updated
3 years ago