I have an UWP App when I try to build it for ARM in Release configuration it can't find the
`System.Threading.ThreadPool` assembly. Also the build takes forever before showing the output. (Over an h…
_From @StephenCleary on January 16, 2017 15:15_
Essentially an AsyncLazy (with retry-on-error) that allows explicit *un*setting, a la `Reset()`.
_Copied from original issue: StephenClearyArchive/Asy…
_From @StephenCleary on October 10, 2016 16:11_
Can be based on `SemaphoreSlim` or `AsyncSemaphore`.
Something with disposable-style usage:
using (await throttler.WaitAsync())
```[23:50:38 ERR][OpenMod.Core.Persistence.YamlDataStore] Error occured on file change for: /home/unt/serverfiles/Servers/untserver/OpenMod/openmod.commands.yaml
System.InvalidOperationException: Fai…
Can strong names be assigned to all Nito packages? From what I gather, they were available previously.
### Description
Hi! I am reporting an issue that I discovered after reading a comment by Servy [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34393352/lazyt-without-exception-caching/72579523#comment12…
# dotnet 警惕 async void 线程顶层异常
dotnet 警惕 async void 线程顶层异常
I'm trying to install the NuGet package `1.0.0-rc2-001` into a .NET Standard 1.5 class library, but it is failing.
Restoring packages for xxx...
GET https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/Fin…
_From @grokky1 on April 9, 2017 11:43_
Many (in my experience, most) event handlers use event args without data. So this is boilerplate:
public class AsyncEventArgs : EventArgs, IDeferralSourc…
2018/06/01 12:43:51:933 [ERROR] Makaretu.Dns.Peds.UdpServer - System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled.
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(T…