While I've only briefly been exposed to the SEU line commands, I've seen alot of people at the company I work at use them. Being able to do both the single line commands, and block commands seems lik…
After adding a control to the form- when double clicked to add code gives the following exception.
Unhandled WPF exception
Exception thrown:
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: 0
Use [AvalonEdit](http://avalonedit.net)
When we use Visual Studio and press Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D, the code will be formatted. And how can we achieve this functionality in avalonedit? And when we press Ctrl+D after Ctrl+K, the line where the curso…
I notice that you have the same code for two projects: 【CShell】 and 【ICSharpCode.CodeCompletion】
This is a request from me:
- [ ] Update the referenced assembly version —— 【AvalonEdit(to 6.1) + …
My AvalonEdit has to show the content of a log file. Changes to the log file will be attached automatically with AppendText(). Afterwards the editor should scroll to the end of the document. But it do…
\AvalonEdit\ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit\Utils\TextFormatterFactory.cs(73,11,82,5): warning CS0618: 'FormattedText.FormattedText(string, CultureInfo, FlowDirection, Typeface, double, Brush, NumberSubstituti…
Hello friends, I hope you are well, I have the following difficulty, I have a WPF application using .net framework 4.7.2 where I have a main window that when clicking on a button opens a second window…
Hi Luke,
In `OverrideCompletionData.cs` you use `var syntaxTree = new CSharpParser().Parse(document);` (as one of a handful of examples) where `document` here is of type `ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Docu…
Hi Akarzazi,
I would like to have Syntax highlighting in SQL object definition of Search schema.
I have made some R&D on that.
Following are way we can implement it.
1. AvalonEdit WPF based co…