Will your code work on a Amazon M5Stack Core2 ESP32 IoT Development Kit for AWS IoT EduKit? I'd love to try your project but I don't get any display on my Amz M5Stack. Any help would be greatly apprec…
Running the official M5Tools example (https://github.com/m5stack/M5Tools) on an AWS-IoT-EduKit first displays the message "upgrading Core2 Touch Firmware" followed by the screen no longer responding t…
@rashedtalukder Trying to connect to AWS IoT Core by using the code from `Blinky-Hello-World` project in my project. Here is the error I am getting:
␛[0;32mI (6566) STOCKLY: Connecting to AWS Io…
I was getting `undefined reference to _binary_aws_root_ca_pem_start` error in my code
so as @valeros said I added `target_add_binary_data(${COMPONENT_TARGET} "certs/aws-root-ca.pem" TEXT)` to my m…
When I go through AWS IoT EduKit tutorial, after one project , for example getting-started , is built and uploaded to the m5stack, I start to monitor the serial output and the below error is shown in …
I am trying to subscribe to a MQTT topic using the code from the Blinky-Hello-World example. When I run this line:
/* Wait for WiFI to show as connected */
### Configuration
**Operating system**: Windows
**PlatformIO Version** (`platformio --version`): PlatformIO 5.2.5
### Description of problem
I have a script that downloads python package…
pip install cryptoauthlib fails on M1 mac.
See also https://github.com/m5stack/Core2-for-AWS-IoT-EduKit/issues/85
Here is the error …
In the Blinky-Hello-World the utilities/requirements.txt is causing errors on crytoauthlib during this command.
pio run -e core2foraws-device_reg -t register_thing
I used this as my fix
### Hardware:
Board: M5Stack Core 2 Edukit
Core Installation version: 1.0.4
IDE name: Arduino IDE and/or Platform.io
Flash Frequency: Doesn't seem to say, whatever the default i…