The error I get is:
Cannot bind parameter 'Environment'. Cannot convert the "AzureCloud" value of type "System.String" to type "Microsoft.Azure.Common.Authentication.Models.AzureEnvironment". (C…
Error: Runbook "Enable-MultipleSolution" cannot find cmdlet Find-AzureRMResource.
When executing runbook Exception shows:
_The module AzureRM.OperationalInsights is not available. Please import fr…
I created a scheduled startup using this code for and ubuntu azure VM.
Code works correctly, but the output message report a wrong failed state
When I run the runbook ps1 script from vscode, it runs as current user (me). I want it to run using Azure Automation resource managed identity.
I have the following
Type: Bug
This is a repeat issue of one which I reported before and was previously fixed. When we click the terminal name, we get the menu where we can change the color, or rename it. Rename simpl…
I installed the addin and my powershell script now fails trying to select the subscription. After uninstalling it is working fine again.
Hi, just installed the extension and configured it. Love the extension!
It seems to work fine besides one problem.
I tried to open a runbook which has a draft version and a published version. I ma…
Hi there,
I'm new to Auzre Automation, therefore I'm a little confused with the Parameters, For the Mandatory field VMResourceGroup, I used [EmptyString] then added a resource group, and VM for the A…
i just followed the azure documentation and used the import_py3package_from_pypi script. The script seems to be completly broken.
1. The send_webservice_import_module_request functions is no…
### Reporting an Issue or Missing Feature
### Expected behavior
I am using an AzureAutomation RunAs Account and extended this one with an app secret (like in https://worktogether.tech/2018…