Finish was uploaded yesterday eve
But it was not fully processed this morning, so, it looks like that th…
Right now for public users, when they go to https://app.bcc.media/event, "magazine" is seen as published with 1 season and 0 episodes. There is 1 episode that is published as unlisted but open as publ…
How many sign ups do we have?
40h per month playtime from registered external users
- Get metadata from notion to mediabanken
- Export from mediabanken with metadata to VOD
- Generate thumbnail
- Create short and mediaitem and link them
- Link VOD to mediaitem
Priscilla ønsker at vi ser gjennom om dette skjemaet følger den grafiske profilen for BCC.
Kan du gi innspill på justeringer for å være i tråd med Desi…
For shorts that are opened from sections in homepage
segment/train: weights=/media/dell/lhx/yolo/ASF-YOLO/yolov5l-seg.pt, cfg=/media/dell/lhx/yolo/ASF-YOLO/models/segment/asf-yolo.yaml, data=/media/dell/lhx/yolo/ASF-YOLO/data/bcc.yaml, hyp=/media/dell/l…
Am facing the below error after deployed nri-bundle/pixie-chart on Kubernetes cluster (GKE)
in the "vizier-cloud-connector" pod as shown below:
time="2024-08-06T05:49:41Z" level=info msg="h…
design from Søren is available now: https://www.figma.com/design/OP0MF791uceVKpf3wPNJ3F/Bmm-%E2%80%93-App?node-id=8031-12925&node-type=frame&t=UMc7slZh41zyxHc5-0
## Colebatur munera
Lorem markdownum Praescia, per acies comitante trium summe fugit iniustaque
trahunt cuspide Saturnia domos, est. Robora inputat sui dies contraxit per medio
dedit, et *ire*.