The construction of a polygon with `Float64` points such as
hexagon = Polygon(
[Point(cos(θ), sin(θ)) for θ in 0 : π / 3 : 2π - π / 3]
does not throw an error, while the on…
I have a system where the coefficients of the polynomials are huge integers. When declaring these polynomials, their coefficients are stored as `BigFloat`. When trying to solve the system, the package…
The method for constructing a `BigFloat` from a `Rational` uses `setrounding` in a way that is not thread-safe. I could consistently reproduce the issue with the following code:
r = 1 // 3
Remove `num-bigfloat` crate from all price calculations because of unexpected panic in division.
Panic Example:
use num_bigfloat::BigFloat;
fn main() {
let x = BigFloat::from(1);
With pycftboot, it seems easy to generate XML files which *need* to be processed with pmp2sdp -f json instead of pmp2sdp -f bin. The simplest testcase I could make is attached. In json mode it works p…
현재 내부적으로는 Int64 자료형을 사용하고 있어서 이 이상으로 가면 오버플로우가 발생합니다.
using Clarabel
CSf = Clarabel.Settings()
CSb = Clarabel.Settings{BigFloat}()
println(CSf.tol_feas,"\n" ,CSb.tol_feas)
It seems that the Settings for `BigFloat ` are the same as t…
julia> SpecialFunctions.erfi(big"1")
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching erfi(::BigFloat)
Since `SpecialFunctions.erf` works with `BigFloat`, I suspect that `erfi` could work too with…
Sin, Cos, Tan, Cot, Sec, Cosec should be added for BigFloat.
Currently arbitrary precision values are represented by `WReal` and `WInteger` types, which are basically string representations. Should we automatically convert these to `BigFloat`/`BigInt`s? The mai…