Does anyone know what Riot service and method signature is used to retrieve honor information? If someone knows, I can code that up.
More generally, how are _any_ of the services and method signatur…
I really like the software and I think that we also need some love for gamers.
How about making capturing from fullscreen games possible? It used to work at Windows 7 with Aero disabled, but now wit…
Just wondering .... has the mod for Elden Ring been discontinued?
Hello, thank you for this.
After updating Elden Ring to 1.03.2 controller is non-functional.
Popup displays "Unable to apply patch to elden ring. You may be running an unsupported version.". I guess…
Was searching the web for removal of the annoying splash-screens and no luck, since you managed on Sekiro I was wondering if you have tried it on elden ring.
Quzga updated
2 years ago
Is it possible to make it so that end-users can provide updated/modified itempools for the bag of crafting algorithm?
As far as the main algorithm by BladeCoding goes, I was able to generate accura…
Algorithm: https://github.com/bladecoding/isaac-bagofcrafting/blob/main/src/BagOfCrafting.ts
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There's currently no files added, I suspect you're aware of this because you're still working on it, but I'm letting you know just in case.
That said, I have a request. Could you have it skip the i…
ghost updated
5 years ago