## Enlitic
肺癌结节 骨微裂
[测试数据集LIDC dataset 及更多 lung cancer nodules in chest CT images ](http://imaging.cancer.gov/programsandresources/informationsystems/lidc)
Enlitic's technology is already …
Location: [Libera.chat, #monero-research-lab](https://libera.chat/) | [Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#monero-research-lab:monero.social?via=matrix.org&via=monero.social)
[Join the Monero Matrix serve…
## Description
Demo content must be prepared, such as scenarios and personas for the Milestone 1.
## Deadline
- I sent email to Crisis Control for demo before and they connected back and I had a meeting with Vittoria Nicastro who is executive director.
- Crisis Control shared some helpful material to prepa…
- Boğaziçi University North Campus must be surveyed with a camera.
- Various textures examples must be taken as photographs.
- Examples must be used to create texture assets to be used in the simula…
- AI News
- ICCV 2021 review가 나왔어요. Rebuttal 하시는 분들 모두 파이팅!
- ICASSP 2021: 6월 6일 ~ 11일
- CVPR 2021: 6월 19일 ~ 25일
- Best paper candidate: http://cvpr2021.thecvf.com/node/290 (고려대 김창수 교수님 …
I declare that all material presented to SWE574 is my own work. I understand that
if at any time it is shown that I have significantly misrepresented material presented to
Bogazici University any de…
Mock Data will be prepared for presentation.
Deadline: 22/11/2020 23.59
Let's create some subcategories under people and have multiple people pages. We need to get the photo, title (Prof, dekan, vp etc), homepage, lab page (if there is one), research areas etc. for each o…
I would like to ask if you could add a link to Turkish GDPR in the content table? Thanks,