在集成 braft-extensions 的 table 扩展后,
export const tableImportFn = (nodeName, no…
`editorState.toHtml()` returns empty
my code:
import React, { useState } from "react";
import BraftEditor from "braft-editor";
import { Box } from "@chakra-ui/core";
import "braft-ed…
Awesome editor, thank you a lot! But I have a small issue:
If I create editor state form html string that contains an img tag (saved by the very same editor) the img tag disappears.
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import BraftEditor from 'braft-editor';
import 'braft-editor/dist/index.css';
const RichText = () => {
const [data, …
### 解决文本域输入内容回显格式混乱
- 可以使用富文本编辑器,返回给后台的数据是带有格式的,在数据回显的时候以富文本的形式显示
braft-editor富文本 在无界微前端环境下面,输入文字光标始终在首位,无法改变光标位置。而且编辑页面无法删除创建时候添加的文字内容,也无法换行。强制刷新一次,会正常。过一段时间就又会复现。
# 汇总
## 1. [Draft.js](https://draftjs.org/) ![NPM Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/draft-js)
>Rich Text Editor Framework for React
1. [braft-editor](https://github.com/margox/braft…
import 'braft-editor/dist/index.css'
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'
import BraftEditor from 'braft-editor'
import { ContentUtils } from 'braft-utils'
import { ImageUtils } from …
Dear Author,
I’m testivy. I found that the current version of braft-editor has a a cross-site scripting (XSS) allows remote attackers to run arbitrary web script inside an div embed media element by…
Google Translated ... sorry!
我想为您提供比自动翻译版本更好的在线手册(此处为 https://www.yuque.com/braft-editor/be/lzwpnr)的英文翻译