I am using custom dataset with 3000 images(Having 3 classes, each contain 1000 images). The dataset is divided to 2250 training and 750 testing examples. The input to the model is (32,32,3). I…
I ran my dataset on a capsule network. My image size is **224 * 224**. I modified caps_ 2_ vec_ Len and upsample3= tf.image.resize_ nearest_ Neighbor (conv2, (224, 224)) and data_ handler, I'm a novic…
I have seen that you have two github repositories for two capsulenet models for nhistone ctr prediction.
Which dataset is legit? as in both of the cases you have different datasets.
I have been going over the implementation of the NASCaps repo, and to understand how the algorithm searches the architecture I am following the README.md there to run the "main.py" with its args as me…
Hi mate,
I am trying to run your program on my Characters dataset. But this shows the following error:
Dimensions must be equal, but are 68 and 128 for 'mul_1' (op: 'Mul') with input shapes: [128,…
## 一言でいうと
### …
I have updated the code for tensorflow 2.x with integrated Keras. It is supposed it should all work the same. I am running it in Google Colab. I have the following problem:
In CapsuleLayer, once th…
Why is there only 4 parameters in deconv_length in caspsule_layer.py?
Out_height = deconv_length(self.input_height, self.scaling, self.kernel_size, self.padding)