I tried to do an example with CartoDB but seeing that it's labeled under not working, I tried to try another way but then I got that the API is deprecated.
Is it still not usable? Or I didn't use it …
Having a full-blown, offline-enabled CartoDB instance would be a nice addition to POSM. I'm not sure how it would be used, but I can imagine it helping @vdeparday et al.
/cc @jjmata ;-)
Removing `SplitMapControl` doesn't update the map layers, if I remove this control, I would expect to leave the map as it was before of adding it? this, however doesn't happen in the `MapView` who tri…
We need to design and enable `iptables` firewall rules for CloudVPS CartoDB servers.
> I'm creating a time series Torque animation with CartoDB, using data that spans a one week period. I've noticed that the animation is running longer than the value that 'duration' is set to in the C…
Hi there,
I am playing around with CartoDB, and I am trying to import a [GeoJSON dataset](https://raw.github.com/gist/2079902/252d0da13c2485ba2027024197328cb1203488ca/heathrow-flight-arrivals.json) i…
Current stores are noSQL, which means we can be very flexible about changing form structure during a survey, adding and changing questions. Using CartoDB like this would require additional logic to ad…
I cannot figure out how to get the installation to work with HTTPS
I have Carto running on Ubuntu 16.0.4 and enabled SSL on the VM (Can get to default host under Https: without any issues) but I ha…
All generated http requests seem to only hit v1 of the API, as evidenced in the vcr yml files.
I'm making plans to switch from leaflet to either deck.gl or maplibre gl js for a lot of my interactive mapping / shiny development work.
Using R/leaflet, I made a practice of initializing m…