We need some extra communication between the CC1352 and MSP430. Adding the I2C signals to the MSP430 would be very helpful.
Use pins 30/31 (P4.1/P4.2) (SDA/SCL).
### Blueprint name
Controller - IKEA E1743 TRÅDFRI On/Off Switch & Dimmer
### Home Assistant Core Version
### Home Assistant Installation Type
Home Assistant Operating System
### Description of the issue
Hello everyone. I'm trying to start Zigbee2MQTT, but it returns this error: error: zh:zstack:znp: Failed to determine if the path is valid: 'Error: spawn udevadm ENOENT'
The main critical missing feature for the RLSK-MAX is the lack of OTA upload.
Plugging a CC2650 BoosterPack into the MSP432 brings an easy solution for adding BLE to the RLSK-MAX.
The CC3100 Boo…
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- [x] Minimal patching for Linux (CC1352 to register with Linux WPAN subsystem)
- [x] Linux host demo application that
forms an 802.15.4 PAN (Personal Area Ne…
The CC1352 boards package uses `arm-none-eabi-gcc (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors 6-2017-q2-update) 6.3.1 20170620 (release) [ARM/embedded-6-branch revision 249437]`.
It should use `arm-none…
It looks like the sketch isn't kept in the CC1352 memory after a RESET or a power-cycle.
When trying the Commissioner / Joiner example, I'm using one laptop:
- First, connect the first board,
Are two laptops required for playing with the Commissioner / Joiner example?
If two CC1352 LaunchPads are connected, one for Commissioner and the other for Joiner, I haven't seen any parameters to …
When running on macOS 10.15 _Catalina_, building against the CC1352 raises an error.
/Applications/IDE/Energia.app/Contents/Java/tools-builder/ctags/5.8-arduino11/ctags -u --language-force=c++…
Since you support the older TI CC2531 with Zigbee Firmware i tried to use the newer one (CC2562 https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/information/supported_adapters.html#slaeshs-cc2652rb-stick) but without succe…