wkhtml project has been archived end of 2023: https://wkhtmltopdf.org/status.html
possible replacements:
- [x] https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/
- [x] dotnet add package PDFsharp
- [x] dot…
Can you please include/provide libs for CEFGlue/CEF for linux and osx?
isage updated
5 years ago
현재 지원하는 임베디드 브라우저는 CefSharp뿐.
이외에도 존재하는 CefGlue, GeckoFX 등에 대한 지원도 추가할 것.
Could you add a render to png feature ?
So I can render HTML/SVG to png ?
I've been doing this [in a C# application](https://github.com/ststeiger/CefGlue_NetStandard), but all that CefGlue doesn…
when i use the build.dat file i get the folder buildx64 and buildx86
in the buildx64 one i get
xilium.cefglue.dll (and some NLP and PDB X…
For connection Xilium.CefGlue need to directly write RGB32 value to image and show it in window.
But currently don't see any way for cross platform write to existing Xwt.Drawing.Image data.
How will this project be different from existing bindings like cefsharp, cefglue or chromiumfx?
I tried building and publishing CefGlue.Samples.Avalonia from this repository. I found it runs fine on Windows 10, so then I published targeting Ubuntu 18.04 x64. When I tried running it, I first…
Can not input Chinese in the HTML on linux