This may not be a bug, but I'm currently using `celery==3.1.18` and `django-celery==3.1.16` backed by MYSQL and SQS (for queueing) and when I update both attributes or add/remove tasks from `CELERYBEA…
Hi guys,
Thanks for the awesome package!
I was trying to configure a celery beat schedule view however could not make it work with customer scheduler like `django_celery_beat.schedulers:Database…
Works fine in development mode.
Timezones in Django and Celery are set to false
USE_TZ = False
My server timezone is EEST `Tue Sep 20 16:58:01 EEST 2016`
Worker ar…
## 1. 提前准备
celery作为异步任务队列, 需要一个中间人来协助celery存放和消耗任务信息。我们选择rabbitmq来做消息代理人。使用celery之前, 需要使用创建一个rabbitmq的管理员账号和一个能让该账号访问的vhost.
Trying to install this library into debian docker crashes due to non ascii characters in the __init__.py legal
Collecting django-celerybeat-status==0.0.10 (from -r requirements.txt (line 48))…
Where to add new tasks in redis is it a list by the name 'CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE' ? I added tasks to a list by the name CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE but i dont see anything on the workers .
### Summary:
Include a *brief* descrioption of the problem here, and fill out the version info below.
* Celery Version: 5.1.2
* Celery-Beat Version: 2.2.1
### Exact steps to reproduce the…
## What happened?
The `celerybeat` service in production can fail to run because of an existing pidfile.
## What should've happened instead?
The development version does not suffer from this …
### Problem:
celery ( use django-windows-tools) gets this task and displays that it was received in the log (service.log), but does not starting task.
Error service.log
[INFO/Process-1] S…