In cerberus 1.2, the example for http://docs.python-cerberus.org/en/stable/customize.html#custom-validators seems to have the wrong number of arguments. I was only able to get this to work with 2 arg…
Similar to #16, it would be nice to add a dataset for quests to osrsbox-db. The data on the wiki for quests is pretty well structured, so that portion shouldn't be too difficult.
I believe either JSON or YAML would allow for significant code simpification (there's a _lot_ of lines just parsing the XML). And I don't believe we really depend on the things that XML brings to the …
Redshift is based on Postgres 8.0.2, so a few things are different. Maybe this issue should be a list of known issues?
## pg_authid does not exist
> Failed to execute query "SELECT * FROM pg_au…
An issue to discuss and plan on making an Unguided campaign. At the moment the focus should be on getting levels together and fixing what is there, with an eye to making new levels (will need proper t…
I tried email template 1 but it does not render the same in Gmail for me and just seems to be ignoring the CSS. It doesn't render correctly in Outlook either.
Am I doing something wrong?
Here is w…
I'm aware of three sources of truth for the correspondence between PyPI and Conda names.
1. Grayskull's [config.yaml](https://github.com/conda/grayskull/blob/main/grayskull/strategy/config.yaml). C…
` yay -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core is up to date
extra is up to date
multilib is up to date
sublime-text is up to date
:: Searching AUR for updates...
-> python2-setupto…
This will allow the auto-generated API documentation to contain more information.
Why if I remove the docstring in the [docs example](http://docs.python-cerberus.org/en/stable/customize.html#custom-rules) I got the warning below?
> UserWarning: No validation schema is defined fo…