According the the [cffi documentation](https://cffi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/using.html#callbacks-old-style), the current callback implementation is in PyHELICS unsafe and needs t…
In fixing another earlier issue I quickly looked at implementing VP9 support since it seems like it'll be easy enough with plenty of benefits, all that needs to happen is implementing the correct cffi…
The release of `cffi` version `v1.17.0` broke the red hat CI pipeline.
An explicit downgrade as hot fix was introduced in https://github.com/FEniCS/dolfinx/pull/3339. This should be reverted, to u…
Please check the following items before reporting a bug, otherwise it may be closed immediately.
- [x] **This is NOT a site-related "bugs"**, e.g. some site blocks me when using curl_cffi,
Mandando essa issue pra passar uma ideia de outra maneira de fazer a cola entre Python e Zig.
O que eu acabei achando mais prático é utilizar de maneira direta a geração de .h e .so do Zig como man…
This is a scratch pad issue. Just a brain dump of everything I know. Organization comes later.
There are three basic methods for getting Haxe to directly interoperate with C++.
1. CFFI (legacy)
2. CF…
The `community.crypto.openssl_privatekey` module also requires the `cffi` package, however the [documentation](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/cryp…
I'm working on the implementation of Meadowlark's SLM. I'm bringing what I did on Mick's original code to adapt the newer blink dlls. At the time, I pretty much had to adapt everything as the newer bl…
### Logs
[1m[90m[DEBUG][39m[0m: From https://github.com/hynek/argon2-cffi
[1m[90m[DEBUG][39m[0m: * tag 20.1.0 -> FETCH_HEAD
[1m[90m[DEBUG][39m[0m: [90m->[0m ru…
CFFI is one of the most used and most central libraries of the CL ecosystem. Adding support for it in Clasp is therefore vital for Clasp's ability to demonstrate itself as a useful, new implementation…