hey, thanks for so wonderful work.
if i want to train such a experiment on chinese dataset of ontonotes 5.0, how can i do it ?
If I want to support Chinese, then what do I need to do.
When I use the Chinese coreference resolution function, I found that there is no result and the value of parseTree is garbled.
from stanza.server import CoreNLPClient
text = "奥巴马是美国的总统…
Example: https://mila.quebec/en/publications/
It would be nice to reuse the same code as in the Mila website. Not sure if that's 'easily' possible via RTD
Hi, I'm trying to use this library for a project where I would need corefence resolution. I was testing out the test.py file and this kept on showing indefinitely, how do I fix this?
Thanks in adva…
Hi all,
Is it possible to train AllenNLP's coreference resolver with custom data? What format does the custom data have to be in? And finally, if it is possible how do I accomplish it? Thank you very…
I wanna train a Chinese coreference resolution model, but I have not the OntoNote 5.0 corpus ...
So I want to know whether you have pre-trained Chinese model, or OntoNote 5.0 corpus..
Thanks you ver…
I successfully trained a new Italian coreference model following [these instructions](https://github.com/huggingface/neuralcoref/blob/master/neuralcoref/train/training.md).
The only output of…
When parsing a bit of text with accents, I get the wrong tokens. For instance, with the code:
tokens %
plot_tree(token, lemma, POS)
I started the server by the command:
`java -mx8g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 15000`
WhenI submitted the following text: 小明吃了个冰棒,它很甜。
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