The EQ for loss of eyelid cilia (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MP_0000425) currently uses the absent pattern but this is not correct. The phenotype is about the inability to retain the eyelashes.
Au 6 mai 2019, il manque des photos pour:
- [ ] Antille Alexandra: Soupe flocons d’avoine
- [ ] Da Costa José Sergio: Nouilles aux légumes
- [x] Goyi Clara: Soupe à la courge
- [x] Mayor Cilia: …
We want to know: given a cell surface in an image, how much of it "ciliated", i.e. covered in cilia?
We want to be able to measure the length of cilia in videos.
Stats like:
- average
- minimum
- maximum
- empirical distribution (i.e., histogram)
would be ideal.
MP:0008587 short photoreceptor outer segment
MP:0020812 long photoreceptor outer segment
This refers to a layer of the retina. I've never heard anybody call a layer short or long ("My driveway was…
Do you ever have a cell projection without being able to distinguish between more specific classes - e.g. neuron projections vs cilia?
I think these should be in do-not-annotate
We do have annot…
Use add_genomes
This is from [R4DS](https://r4ds.hadley.nz/strings.html#sec-other-languages).
``` r
x1 Warning in grepl("\n", path): unable to translate 'text
#> El Nio was particularly bad t…
Experiment 17 (testing plr for VtPVAE). Task file is exp17.sh in models.
Incorporating segmentation masks into appearance module will allow learning of localized ciliary patches. Right now, we have segmentation masks on ~20% of entire dataset and appearance module is not t…