⚠️ Imported from legacy repository. This issue is a duplicate of https://github.com/Clojure-Intro-Course/babel-legacy/issues/145.
babel.middleware=> (make-array Void/TYPE 5)
Default Error:
After fix this [#85](https://github.com/afucher/clojure-repl-intellij/issues/85)
The 1.5.0 version still can't execute `lein.bat` on windows.
It still gives me the error.
Cannot run program …
The features I would expect to find in my Clojure development environment, with a bias towards highly effective interaction via the keyboard and an uncluttered user interface.
Typically assembled w…
⚠️ Imported from legacy repository. This issue is a duplicate of https://github.com/Clojure-Intro-Course/babel-legacy/issues/105.
babel.middleware=> (int 88888888888888888888888888888888888888…
⚠️ Imported from legacy repository. This issue is a duplicate of https://github.com/Clojure-Intro-Course/babel-legacy/issues/123.
babel.middleware=> (quote a b c)
Fails a predicate: 'The arg…
Tests using clojure.test print sci-unaware stacktraces. When an exception happens, the stacktrace contains no reference to the sci functions (only internals). E.g.
user=> (require '[clojure.te…
Hi, I'm trying to get re-graph working in a clojure command-line app. Following the examples, nothing happens, and the program will not exit, even if I add `(shutdown-agents)` at the end. E.g.
Dear Hans and Tomomi,
Please help.
1. Create a new, empty lein project, by `lein new party-test`
lein --version
Leiningen 2.8.1 on Java 1.8.0_192 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
I had trouble in REPL not seeing any more detailed validation issue information than just `ZodError` without any message.
If I understood, the thrown ZodError exception would have to be caught and …
For a bit of context, I'm using nREPL in a polylith project and those are the only options available right now: