RT: [阅千人而惜知己](http://weibo.com/1914643755/DkTOU78eE) 计划于2016年5月1日在北京清华大学举行第二次函数式编程语言的分享,申请地址:[链接](https://jinshuju.net/f/tHYuvO),望大家奔走相告
> 计划于2016年5月1日于在清华大学举办第二次函数式和编程会议,集合地点暂时定在清华中中央主楼(可能会有变动),具体时间…
hello, I have posted earlier about issues surrounding ghci-dap and eclipse che (web-based cloud-native IDE), those are fixed now.
current situation is a heap overflow inside the sidecar container …
I have in mind something like
``` mermaid
graph TD;
DX["Developer"] --> IDE
subgraph IDE
L4P("L4 'Program'")
subgraph Application
appServer["application API server"]
[Imported from JIRA. Reported by Edsko de Vries @edsko) as [NTTCP-2](https://cloud-haskell.atlassian.net/browse/NTTCP-2) on 2012-09-24 11:35:00]
Suppose A and B are connected, but the connection brea…
Folks whom I've assigned this to - I'm just looking for feedback and suggestions as to where I can look in the code to potentially fix this issue. I know you're all off doing other things!
Aside from general reasons to squash warnings, here's a specific one -- when using [modern haskell mode](https://github.com/haskell/haskell-mode), every time you bring up the REPL, it dumps all the wa…
Could CloudHaskell's API also apply to OpenCL so the code same code could run on the GPU?
A parallel algorithms library https://github.com/thrust/thrust would be nice to have it for CloudHaskell and …
## Bug Report
win11 , Powershell7 ,
# this is $profile configuration
> Import-Module $env:ChocolateyInstall\helpers\chocolateyProfile.psm1
> fnm env --use-on-cd --shell…
Make failed for me. These are the commands I executed as 'root' in a fresh Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander VM from: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/vagrant/saucy/20140209/saucy-server-cloudimg-i386-vagr…
Can you add some text to one of your documents explaining your rationale for developing nitro and/or comparing to some of the other event/channel/message passing frameworks out there?
I'm wi…