Hi, I have trouble with compiling yago3. After I execute mvn command in accord with Readme, I got a error that the file can not be downloaded. The message is as followed :
Downloading: http://…
Remove the old published jar files:
I'm tried the provided example in the cogcomp-nlp readme and a got a wierd Error that could not figure out how to solve it. Please me.
My code :
`String text = "He went to Chicago after his Father …
When trying to run the training with demo data for the first time as:
java -Xmx8g -cp target/classes:target/dependency/* edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.ner.NerTagger -train test/Test/0224.txt test/Test/02…
The "testSentencePipeline" in the "SentencePipelineTest" https://github.com/CogComp/cogcomp-nlp/blob/master/pipeline/src/test/java/edu/illinois/cs/cogcomp/pipeline/main/SentencePipelineTest.java#L89 l…
when using the local pipeline because the remote pipeline does not seem to be available anymore (see #129), I get the following message
INFO:ccg_nlpy.pipeline_config:Using local pip…
Same as: https://github.com/cogcomp-dev/illinois-cogcomp-nlp/issues/57
-- in edison (edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.edison.annotators) and in illinois-core-utilities (edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.nlp.utilities)
``` scala
node pop…
Couple of warnings during downstream pipeline usage (version 3.1.7)
[info] Resolving edu.cmu.cs.ark#ChuLiuEdmonds;1.0-SNAPSHOT ...
[warn] Unable to reparse edu.cmu.cs.ark#ChuLiuEdmonds;1.0-SNAPSHO…