## 0. 論文
### タイトル
Commonsense Knowledge Aware Conversation Generation with Graph Attention
### 論文リンク
### 著者
Recently, I read your paper on Commonsense Knowledge in Word Associations and ConceptNet, and I'm quite curious about how you conducted your experiments. Thank you!!!
- [ ] [awesome-llm-planning-reasoning/README.md at main · samkhur006/awesome-llm-planning-reasoning](https://github.com/samkhur006/awesome-llm-planning-reasoning/blob/main/README.md?plain=1)
# awesom…
# title
Targeted Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis via Embedding Commonsense Knowledge into an Attentive LSTM
# notes
用了两次self attention做target和原评论之间的交互,再lstm中融入知识图谱的信息,做情感分析。
# bibtex
## 问题描述 / Issue Description
请简要描述您遇到的问题。 / Please briefly describe the issue you encountered.
## 使用的工具 / Tools Used
- [ ] Native / 原生框架
- [✅] Opencompass backend
- [ ] VLMEvalKit backend
- …
Thanks for open source code and model for paper 'Acquiring and Modelling Abstract Commonsense Knowledge via Conceptualization', the paper is a wonderful read.
There is just model and config file in d…
some basic knowledge
- passively listen to documentaries and videos on theory topics
- not fun at all, but do it anyway
- commonsense on the front line, but a bit of knowledge does help at times
## 问题描述 / Issue Description
请简要描述您遇到的问题。 / Please briefly describe the issue you encountered.
vllm serve /root/ChatGLM --chat-template ./…
## 0. 論文
[Event2Mind: Commonsense Inference on Events, Intents, and Reactions](https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.06939v1)
Hannah Rashkin, Maarten Sap, Emily Allaway, Noah A. Smith, Yejin Choi
## 1. どんなも…
Hi Jason,
Your tutorial is highly useful, as i am working on increasing my NLP knowledge!
Reaching out to ask you a question about the portion of the code. I was trying to run the scripts exactly…