I saw an update for missing counties information, but my refresh is still returning blanks for most counties.
It says 19874 but I think this is for all of France, not French Polynesia.
| | French Polynesia | France | 2020-03-23 23:19:21 | -17.6797 | -149.4068 | 19874 | 860 | 2200 | 16814 | French Polyn…
Has anyone noticed the error in France (the one with no Province/State entry), which for 13/4/2020 had 136,779 and for 14/4/2020 has 130,253.
This happens in the time_series_covid19_confirmed_globa…
India confirmed cases are 84 as per https://www.mohfw.gov.in/
Please add this as a reference in Read me file.
Please update the Brazilian cases (confirmed) to 25
source: https://g1.globo.com/bemestar/coronavirus/noticia/2020/03/08/brasil-tem-21-casos-confirmados-de-coronavirus.ghtml
We should split the login flow between redirect and code copy cases.
Currently they are both under the same pipeline, which results in a suboptimal login experience. For example, there is no way to p…
avaer updated
2 weeks ago
It's clear that at some point, different countries will start to have economic recovery as their societies begin to recover. Of course, every country (and sub region) is going to recover economically …
Public Health England publish confirmed cases data
- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-track-coronavirus-cases
- by Upper-Tier Local Authority https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html…
As we want to increased use of #ostaniZdrav app, we should show InfoCard on main page:
Število danes in delta na včeraj? Oz včeraj in predvčerajšnjim in tekoča številka.
Samo bi potem en od obsto…
### Feature Description
The dashboard is meant to give a quick overview of important information. Cases that are not confirmed are not that important to be included in the default content of the dash…