As can be seen in [this pull request](https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown/pull/1819), it is best to use CSL-JSON compared to BibTeX. Does this also apply to `papaja`, and should we also encourage usa…
The following (also [attached](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/16101242/demo.md)) causes a panic:
eip: 3
Some text somewhere that needs a citation. [^1]
The CSL license file is being bundled into the FDC3 NPM module. The CSL governs the Standard and its documentation, but any software or source code (i.e. what the NPM module contains) is distributed u…
Step 1: Add more tags and be backward compatible with current `type="bibtex"` entries.
These new tags should be informed by Citation Style Language, and probably should use the
tags in CSL-Json …
Issue from 2017: https://github.com/CrossRef/rest-api-doc/issues/222
When negotiating content type as CSL-JSON (`application/vnd.citationstyles.csl+json`), CrossRef instead returns "extended citepr…
The current version of `apa.csl` has a `cs:label` element that calls `part-number` …
The current mapping is very basic (books only).
Hi @inukshuk . I'd like to PR a convenience API for rendererer, like we were talking about, that makes it easier for the use case "I have a citation, I want to format it on it's own, not as part of a …
### 🔖 Enhancement description
There are ISO 639 language codes for various sign languages. The ISO 639 standard provides codes for the representation of names of languages and includes sign languages…
I generate my references file using Zotero's [better bibtex extension](https://retorque.re/zotero-better-bibtex/customized-exports/). My references use some of the less common [entry types](https://do…