Does not currently work with batch_size > 1. Issue with self.loss apparently.
Following the tutorial, I've trained my agent in DQN(in fact I modified it to D3QN by adding parameter enable_dueling_network=True).
Then I got the model.summary():
Find a concensus on graphical settings for graphs and change nomenclature in joint action frquencies graphs (solid lines should only be for agent specific metrics, something else is needed for JAF def…
I am very grateful to you for sharing your models. They are very clear and detailed.
But I see that there are many files in folders. Could you show me how to run each scenario?
Thank you …
Appetizer for 3D, Neural rendering with GAN, GIRAFFE, CVPR2021 best paper
- https://a…
Can you tell me the tensorflow version and python version you are using, I want to try to run Test_D3QN.py to use your model
I am trying to run the testing file of your code, But I have the problem "ValueError: You are trying to load a weight file containing 1 layers into a model with 7 layers".
Do you uploaded th…
i use tensorflow1.15
Hi. Thank you for everything. This is great. I would like to ask if I can change the TD3 algorithm to other algorithms based on your work, such as DQN, DDQN and so on. I don't know much about this. I …