## context
Been working on a new model schema in:
Currently completing import of data from snapshot -> incoming.
Once fi…
After re-running all of the SOLUTION code in https://campus-no-cache.datacamp.com/courses/20239/63394?ex=1, I've found the following exercises to have errors about unshaped nodes. I've also linked to …
[](url) @owaistiwana456.com
Designing a good course is as hard as designing good software. To help you, this document describes a process based on evidence-based teaching practices:
Here's the link to my [homework](https://github.com/rishadhabib/STAT545-547-hw-habib-rishad/blob/master/hw06-data-wrangling/hw06-data-wrangling.md) Thanks!
@gvwilson commented on [Thu May 17 2018](https://github.com/datacamp/content-engineering-features/issues/16)
From : if the user types `!cat` to repeat the last `cat` command, the user input we see in…
- All weeks
- [ ] Unify slides ('practice session' slides are different in Weeks 1-10 and in Weeks 11-12)
- [ ] Clean up the readings
- [ ] Focus on as a few core handbooks as possible
## Problem
This issue was specific to the exercise at the end of Chapter 2 in which the student is asked to execute `head` and `tail` on the test data frame. The provided solution uses `check_output(…
From Brecht Willems (brecht.willems`@ugent`.be):
> De mogelijkheid toevoegen om tips/hints toe te voegen aan de opgave, die pas weergegeven worden als de gebruiker klikt op de titel van de tip/hint…
## Description
This follows a conversation in the [Software Engineering for Data Scientists](https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/issues/2089) about how users learn about Kedro and software engineeri…